Whew! What a knitting year folks. Let's talk a little about a couple of challenges I am working through on WIPS and then look back at whether my planification and how that went. I also tallied up how much I started and finished. Whoa! Then a philosophical discussion on what stash means to me, my habits and what, if anything needs to change. Finally a quick review of my experience with the HPKCHC :)
Show notes at www.saltyjoknits.com
Hi all,
I've finally had a moment to catch my breath and catch up with all of you! In this episode, we chat about a bunch of finished objects, how I'm finding that I can't have just one type of knit all the things needles, how to be super picky about winding yarn for self-striping socks and my findings on which retail establishments that I buy from have good turkey day and weekend sales... research, for science, you're welcome :)
Please join me! Shownotes are at saltyjoknits.com